Message from the Chairman
Rev. Asa M Kain

Greetings from the land of 160 million smiling faces who are considered as one of the happiest peoples on earth!  

Bangladesh is a densely populated country and despite many problems surrounding poverty  and hardship, our people are resilient and have learnt to be content and happy. As a nation we are making good progress and developing consistently by the grace of our Almighty God. 

ASHIRBAD which in Bengali means BLESSINGS is a child care & social development organization registered by the NGO Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh Government. It was founded by the Bangladesh Assemblies of God in the year 2000 to serve and meet the humanitarian, physical and spiritual needs so as to build each one to recognize that they are a special in the sight of God and man. The Bangladesh Assemblies of God was founded in the early 1940s and has over 400 churches spread in almost all the districts in Bangladesh. They are alleviating the many needs of people around them in the community. 

It is indeed a great privilege to reach out to the thousands of children and suffering people around us. There is a great challenge and a great opportunity to reach out with the love, to pray and help develop strong communities by being a true “Ashirbad” blessing to our nation.  Bangladesh population consists of 88% Muslims, 11% Hindus, 1% Christian and Buddhists. Our Goal has been and still remains, is to stand by the suffering people especially the least privileged, wherever they are regardless of their religious or ethnic identity.   

We are thankful to our partners who have come alongside to meet the needs of our nation. We are thankful to our pioneering partner the AG Mission who still stand by our side.   At present Ashirbad is taking care of more than 4000 young and primary school students through its 40 Hope Centers in 14 different districts of Bangladesh. We are grateful to our trusted partner the OneChild, USA.
We also have School Child Advocacy program which is supported by Fida International, Finland. Through this program we do awareness program/training/seminars among our school students, parents and community people for child protection, health advocacy, women empowerment and other issues to prevent school dropouts specially among the girls.

We invite you to come and partner and join hands in praying for the nation, share resources to support care for children and school, leadership development for workers, women, Youth and many other ministries that the Bangladesh Assemblies of God and Ashirbad are involved with. 

We continue to pray and reach out to the people with the love of God. 
